Friday, May 1, 2009

What is NAET

The NAET treatment stands for Nambudripad's Allergy Elimination Techniques and was created by Dr. Devi S. Nambudripad, M.D., D.C, L.Ac, Ph. D. It is a gentle, non-invasive process that has been proven to, in my prospective, "cure" people who suffer from allergies and other ailments as well. It has been proven to help children with Autism, ADHD and other illnesses as well. There is a book, that I bought on Amazon, Say Goodbye to Children's Allergies, that explains NAET in it's entirety and has a number of actual cases histories, and a lot of information on what allergy-related illness this technique helps. I STRONGLY suggest you read this book before seeking out a NAET professional in your area. It helped me to gain confidence and information before I made Jackson's first appointment. You may be thinking what I was thinking when I stumbled upon this on the Internet...."WHAT?!? if this is true why isn't everyone lining up for hours to have this treatment done!!!???? Why haven't I heard about this on Oprah (okay so my brain thinks like that) and can this really be true!!?"

I suggest you research this as much as you can for yourself. I talked to a lot of people, including Jackson's pediatrician, before I even called to make him an appointment. I had friends talk to people they knew in the chiropractic and medical field and I talked to medical professional friends as well. A lot of the medical professionals had heard of NAET and gave me a green light to try it. Our pediatrician (WHO I LOVE) also thought it sounded interesting and without crossing any ethical boundaries, gave me the "it's worth a try!" I needed to move forward.

Here are some links to get you started: - 53k - - 24k

Or just google "NAET" and you will be amazed at the information out prepared...I was researching for 6 hours straight the first day I read about NAET.

Let me know what you find!!

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