(It took a month to get an appointment and during that time I prayed and though a lot about starting these treatments for Jackson. FEAR, of course, my best friend, was a big part of what I was thinking about, as well as hope. I thought about all the years of my own medical issues, my friend's issues, my family's issues, and how we all have taken endless drugs and gone through endless procedures. So many issues, so many still unresolved. After many hours of thinking and talking to people, and thinking and praying more, I came to a conclusion. God created us and our bodies are so complex and unique and fragile and strong and beautiful......we are dependent on our hearts beating and our lungs expanding and collapsing and our kidney's filtering, ect. ect.....maybe God also created ways that our body can heal without medicine, without procedures, without doctors and hospitals and pills and liquids and shots and creams and second and third opinions.......maybe we are meant to use our own bodies and pressure points and energy........in this I found hope. Maybe God was whispering when I've been waiting for a SHOUT!)
I immediately felt peaceful as we walked in and were greeted by some lovely receptionists and the practitioner herself. Jackson was friendly, happy, and I tried to create a sense of fun and excitement for what we were doing. The practitioner, "Miss Kathleen" was so friendly and happy and made us both feel welcomed and wanted. We spent some time going over Jackson's medical history and she also shared some of her own experiences as well. Long story short, she tested Jackson for a first group of allergens by having him hold vials filled with different allergens while I held him in my lap. She then used my ability to resist her pushing down my outstretch arm to see if he is sensitive to the allergen. I know this sounds strange or "hocus pocus"...but it was really interesting and I was okay with it. Some of the information was new to me and disconcerting but Kathleen reminded me that this technique helps identify what allergens he is sensitive to, not necessarily severely allergic to. She also did some acupressure on him by pressing on some points on his hand, leg and ankle which he thought was silly and fun. It's hard to fully describe what we did, but it went a lot better than I hoped and we will see her again in two weeks.
I want to focus on what I learned about food sensitivities.......you can be sensitive to a lot of things, versus being severley allergic. For example, you may have a sensitivity or slight allergy to a food and never really know it. We've all had those days when we have an upset stomach, headache, feel fatigued and tired.....maybe it was food or allergy related. You may have a day when you have a glass of milk, a grilled cheese sandwhich for lunch, some cheese on your dinner salad and later some ice cream. The next day your stomach may feel a little "off" or you may have a headache or feel tired. Guess what? You are probably sensisitve to milk. You had too much...and on any other day you would feel fine...Now, can you think of times you felt off? It might be worth it to pay more attention to what we might be sensitive to. I am hopeful that some of Jackson's allergies are sensitivities....and we are going to use the NAET techniques to clear his system of them.
I find it interesting that Jackson is sensitive to a lot of foods, and other things in the environment. Personality wise Jackson is a very "sensitive" boy and many people have noticed his ability to empathize and "feel" at a very young age. He's just a super sensitive boy, inside and out. He gets his feelings hurt very easily and shares his emotions in grand ways. When he's HAPPY, he's HAPPY, and when he's sad, he'll cry and cry.....God made him sensitive for a reason and I've loved seeing him enjoy life with such grandeur. We just need to help his little body realize it can't be sensitive to things it needs and encounters. At our next appointment we are going to try to clear his egg allergy....crazy....we may walk out with one less allergy in his body! I'm praying that God will use NAET for his healing.
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