A lot of you have given me some great feedback and questions about Jackson and NAET already! Thank you, and I am so glad to help. A lot of people have asked as they often do after hearing Jackson's story, "What in the world can/does he/will he eat??"
Here is a list of Jackson's favorite and only foods:
Chicken Nuggets (Tyson, McDonald's, Jack in the Box)....
French Fries (gotta ask what kind of oil they are cooked in...one of our favorite restaurants uses peanut oil which is not common these days, GLAD I ASKED)
Veggie Chips from Whole Foods
Potato Chips (if they have "safe" ingredients, but most of the time he tells me they are "danger" or they are "daddy's"
Organic Pop-Tarts from Whole Foods
Tings from Whole Foods
The Vegan Pirate's Booty (which I can only find and order online)
Lorna Doone cookies
Goldfish crackers (only if we are at church)
Pizza with just sauce (if daddy makes it/Albert son's brand seems to be safe)...'
oh and how can I forget...KETCHUP...by the spoonful if we let him, which we try not to. He's not much of a "dipper" yet. Presley has joined in his ketchup obsession too.

Now, you may be a little confused, as we all are, but there are milk/soy/egg products in some of the foods above. It seems like when the allergen protein is baked into a food he doesn't react..SOMETIMES...it's a scary game of trial and error, but the above foods have been safe thus far. Thankfully soy lecithin has not been an issue and one time he dipped his finger into Presley's BBQ sauce from her Happy Meal and soy sauce is listed on the ingredients. Go figure? Like I said, food allergies are very confusing and tempermental.
Most days he eats Chicken Nuggets for breakfast, lunch and dinner and not much else. He will drink OJ all day and choose not to eat. He gets Iron and Vitamin Supplements and Singular in his first OJ and Claritin in his last before bed!
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