To be honest the evaluation process was very discouraging, frustrating and more than I think we bargained for. He was evaluated by a child development specialist, a speech therapist and an occupational therapist. We were told by the child development therapist that Jackson had a sensory processing disorder and would need 2 hours of development therapy and 2 hours a week with an O.T. Um, four hours a week of therapy....would he eat a fruit or vegetable? They didn't seem to be addressing the main issue I wanted him tested. This seemed a little MUCH to me at the time because after all, these therapists had spent 30 minutes with my 20 month old in an unfamiliar setting asking him to do all of these activities, puzzles, and other tests that would make any toddler seem a little apprehensive....I was thinking of my friends who have really shy toddlers....what would they be "diagnosed" with? Why does every child get a "diagnosis?" Oh yes, I was very negative at first and confused. My poor mom, friends, husband and anyone who would listen had to hear me try to figure out what Jackson really needed......most people thought it was all a little overkill...others were thinking he was diagnosed with Autism and expressed their concerns and sympathies. I looked online for sensory processing disorders and besides the picky eating he didn't exactly fit the mold. He was a busy boy, and ran in circles and couldn't focus on one thing for very long...but hey he wasn't even two years old. Right? Well.....
On the flip side, Jackson did have some behaviors that were disconcerting, but most people in our life would say, "He's a boy! He's active, he's picky, he doesn't have a disorder." For example, in the diagnosing process they kept asking him his animal sounds...he would not do them for any of the therapists (partly because outside of the tiny room they were testing him is was a GIANT indoor play area with slides, ect..that's what he was focused on, I would be too...try doing algebraic equations on demand with Hawaii or Disneyland right outside your door). Every time we would leave I would put him in the car, turn around, and ask him his animal sounds and right on cue he would tell me, "moo, oink-oink, woof-woof, meow" name it, he did know it. Long story longer...We agreed to the 2 hours a week of child development therapy and to my delight (hee, hee) there was a waiting list for the O.T.
Even in my cynical stance, were truly blessed with a great child development therapist who came to our house twice a week and "played" with Jackson, and by default with Presley too. Paul and I became very fond of her and watched as she was able to help Jackson sit and focus and quickly build quite a positive relationship with him in a short amount of time. She was here on his turf and got to know the real Jackson and not the boy who was a little overwhelmed back at the clinic. Jackson and Presley were always so excited to see her and during our hour with her she would play games with Jackson that helped him learn his colors, numbers, shapes, "bigs" and "littles", fine and gross motor skills, self-directed behavior skills, pretending skills, writing skills......and she felt that he was ABOVE his age level at all of these things. After a few months she told us she did not feel he had any "disorders" and that along with her therapy and Jackson starting preschool, he had learned the "ropes" of being a toddler. We have never had any issues with him at his preschool, in fact his teacher said he adjusted faster than most do to the schedule, new friends, new surroundings. He is VERY SOCIAL!!! and is compassionate and gentle and fun loving with his friends. He knows all of the letters of the alphabet and their sounds and all of his shapes, colors, numbers. He recognizes his name and Presley's when written,and he has an incredible memory. He potty trained in two days and is always surprising us with things he says and does. His final evaluation today put him above age level and although he still has some areas to work on, as every toddler does (AMEN!) I am so super grateful to our therapist for the free tutoring she gave him this last year and how it has enhanced who he is even more. Is he still an extremely PICKY EATER!!!! YES!!! Did we ever do Occupational Therapy? YES....did we drop out....YES (it wasn't helping..but that's another story).......
So today he's done with therapy, but I still need to find help for the picky eating. Although his extreme pickyness has probably saved him from anaphylatic shock since he won't eat or try anything new. In a sense I don't want him to stop being picky because I know he probably won't get into a dangerous situation. Hey if there aren't chicken nuggets involved, he's not interested. I am so curious to see if the NAET technique helps his body and brain accept new food when it's ready and when it's safe.
Happy Graduation Day Jackson, we're so proud of you!
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