Well, it's finally a little cooler today here in Southern California..it's been nearly 100 degrees for a whole week, again! Today it's cloudy and cool...love it! Although as the seasons do change I know we are now in the flu/cold season and so I thought I would share what our NAET practitioner discussed with me about the flu shot and the swine vaccine.
First things first, the flu shot. I have always been a fan of the flu shot for myself and didn't hesitate to have Jackson and Presley get it when they were 6 months old. They had no reaction to the shot, nor did I expect them too. This was before we knew of all of their allergies, especially to egg. That being said we have not had them get the shot the last 2 years in fear of a reaction because it is egg based and both of their RAST numbers for egg are really high. Last year our allergist suggested we do the shots in his office administering it slowly, ect...but I didn't do it. I was too afraid since this was around the same time Jackson had his first Epi Pen emergency and trip to the ER. I didn't want to take any chances. Fast forward to this year....I talked all of this over with our NAET doctor and she said she could test them and treat them so that they will have a smaller chance of reacting, but still agreed we should do the flu shot in the allergist's office. Have I made the appointment? No. Will I? I think I feel a little more confident knowing that they have made huge leaps and bounds with NAET and their allergies this year. Dr. Kathleen will be getting the "flu shot" vial soon and we will do the NAET treatment first. I'm still a little nervous.
On to the "Swine Flu".....now I am not sure if the media is causing a lot of hype about this and if the pharmaceutical companies are happy to make some more money.....(the conspiracy theorist in me cries out)....but I am not sure I feel comfortable giving my kids this new vaccine. I would love any feedback!!! We are going to treat them for the Swine Flu with NAET and maybe that's as far as I will go. I did talk to our pediatrician and she said they weren't sure when they were going to start getting the vaccine.....it's just kinda shady.
Enough about all that....here's a little snapshot of Jackson eating a cupcake at a birthday party. This was something I had dreamed of when we first started NAET. My mom was with us and we both were talking about how great it is to know he can be a happy participant at birthday parties now (although in this picture he isn't digging the Elmo cupcake too much) He can eat treats, he's just not really that interested after the frosting is gone ....God is good!