Gosh, life can get so busy.....working, playing, schooling, playing, swimming, going to church, family...it's all good things!!!

We are still in the NAET journey with Jackson and now Presley as well. Jackson is eating a lot more foods and is growing and learning so much! We treated him a second time for eggs since he still seemed a little reactive to raw eggs. He got grumpy and tired after the treatment (so that's how I know it works with him). He's been eating a lot of products with dairy and I have let my guard down a little which scares me at times for sure......but overall, the allergy anxiety has been able to subside a little and I am just telling people he is allergic to eggs, soy and peanuts. I still STARE at him when he eats something new, waiting for the first hive or itch or watery eye. Most of the time, nothing appears and we move on. He's still reacting to my mom's dogs so we'll have to bring in a sample of their saliva and hair and have him treated with NAET. It will be interesting to see how the treatments are going once we get to the sugar and citrus mixes. He is an OJ addict, but we can avoid it for 25 hours.
Presley, my two year old girly girl, started NAET last weekend. She did great with the muscle testing and laser treatment. She tested allergic (0r sensitive) to egg, calcium, vitamin B and vitamin C so far. I'm not surprised as her little runny nose and ENDLESS ear infections have been upon us for months now. My usually clear girl has been more scratchy and she's just off.....Dr. Kathleen, the NAET practitioner thinks that her ear infections are due to an allergy and although we are still going to see the ENT in a few weeks, we will try to clear her of some allergens to help strengthen her immune system . We talked a lot about antibiotics and the many Presley has had to take, especially this past year. Dr. Kathleen feels that the more antibiotics a child takes, the weaker their immune system gets...it makes sense. The body is not learning how to fight things off on it's own, medicine, ect.....so we are going to continue NAET and see how it will help the little Presley girl.
I'll try to update again soon!

We are still in the NAET journey with Jackson and now Presley as well. Jackson is eating a lot more foods and is growing and learning so much! We treated him a second time for eggs since he still seemed a little reactive to raw eggs. He got grumpy and tired after the treatment (so that's how I know it works with him). He's been eating a lot of products with dairy and I have let my guard down a little which scares me at times for sure......but overall, the allergy anxiety has been able to subside a little and I am just telling people he is allergic to eggs, soy and peanuts. I still STARE at him when he eats something new, waiting for the first hive or itch or watery eye. Most of the time, nothing appears and we move on. He's still reacting to my mom's dogs so we'll have to bring in a sample of their saliva and hair and have him treated with NAET. It will be interesting to see how the treatments are going once we get to the sugar and citrus mixes. He is an OJ addict, but we can avoid it for 25 hours.
Presley, my two year old girly girl, started NAET last weekend. She did great with the muscle testing and laser treatment. She tested allergic (0r sensitive) to egg, calcium, vitamin B and vitamin C so far. I'm not surprised as her little runny nose and ENDLESS ear infections have been upon us for months now. My usually clear girl has been more scratchy and she's just off.....Dr. Kathleen, the NAET practitioner thinks that her ear infections are due to an allergy and although we are still going to see the ENT in a few weeks, we will try to clear her of some allergens to help strengthen her immune system . We talked a lot about antibiotics and the many Presley has had to take, especially this past year. Dr. Kathleen feels that the more antibiotics a child takes, the weaker their immune system gets...it makes sense. The body is not learning how to fight things off on it's own, medicine, ect.....so we are going to continue NAET and see how it will help the little Presley girl.
I'll try to update again soon!